- ◆◇フェニックスツアー 全日本中国旅行?◇◆東ティモールの航空券ならお任せ下さい!◆◇
- 各国少数民族・辺境・秘境のツアーや個人旅行はおまかせ!!
- 国連難民高等弁務官事務所
- 野次馬的アジア研究中心
- 香港在住の野次馬ジャーナリストによる現地情報や地元紙の三面記事批評など。 中国やタイ、カンボジアのフォトエッセイや、独立問題で揺れる東ティモールへ 女子高生の写真を撮りに行った「ヒガチモ野次馬紀行」などがあります。
- 自由へのメッセージ
- 京都精華大学が創立30周年を記念して、アウンサンスーチー(ビルマ)、ジョゼ・ラモス・ホルタ(東ティモール)、ダライ・ラマ(チベット)の3人のノーベル平和賞受賞者にインタビューした映像を公開。
- 西遊旅行
- 西遊旅行で扱っている地域の情報とそのツアー内容・みどころ等。
- 東チモールに自由を!全国協議会
- ダーウィン東ティモール人学校支援日本委員会
- ダーウィン東ティモール人学校支援日本委員会
- East Timor News
- 東ティモールのニュース。
- Loren's Home Page
- On 18 April 1996, the East Timor Human Rights Centre released photographs to the Australian media showing four Timorese youths being tortured by the Indonesian military. The nine gruesome and explicit photos show the four blindfolded Timorese actually being tortured. One youth is being beaten with an iron bar and kicked in the neck, another is being strung up with a rope after being beaten, a third is receiving what appears to be an electric shock, and a fourth is being held on the ground, probably after being beaten. There are obvious blood-stains on the walls, on the victims and around the site of the mass grave and it is evident that the victims underwent extreme suffering at the hands of the Indonesian military. It is presumed that the photographs were either taken by the Indonesian military for their records, or as a Indonesian "souvenir" of their exploits. There are also photos of torture victims being buried in a mass grave. The victims are probably the same youths depicted in the torture photos who died as a result of the tortures. The photos were received from reliable contacts in East Timor, whose identity cannot be disclosed, for obvious reasons. The photos came from the Ainaro district, about 100 km to the south of Dili, the capital of East Timor. As there was heavy military activity around Ainaro in January 1995, it is believed that that photos were most likely taken in Ainaro at that time. The East Timor Human Rights Centre is continuing in its efforts to identify the torture victims and to establish when and where the tortures took place. The Centre will also send the photos to Amnesty International and the United Nations, calling on them to investigate the tortures depicted in the photographs.
- TimorNet
- Coimbra大学にあるThe World-Wide Web Virtual Libraryの東ティモールのコーナー。 東ティモールの歴史や文化、地理、ニュース、リンクなど。
- Loro Sae-Timor Home Page
- 東ティモールの地理やインドネシアによる占領の歴史などの紹介や、写真、音楽、リンク他。メーリングリストへも入会できる。
- RENETIL Home Page
- RENETILは、National Resistance of East Timorese Studentsのポルトガル語の頭文字です。 RENETILの様々な活動を紹介しています。
- East Timor Center for Human Rights
- 東ティモールの人々の人権を守り、人権侵害を糾弾するために作られた組織。
Last Updated:12/03/29